Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, said, “The healthy man does not torture others. Generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers.”. Then – are criminals born or made this way? Biological explanations of crime assume that some people are ‘born criminals’ and are physiologically, biologically, or genetically distinct from non-criminals, while sociological approaches suggest that crime is shaped [...]

By |2024-05-16T11:25:31+08:00May 16, 2024|General Psychology, Mental Health|0 Comments

Eating Disorders + Social Media – Its Effects

If you have ever judged someone by their size, did you stop to think, “maybe they already struggle with their body image, or even an eating disorder?” According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anyone can suffer from an eating disorder, regardless of their size. Eating disorders may become fatal if not treated in time.    Some eating disorders [...]

By |2024-03-25T11:06:03+08:00March 25, 2024|General Psychology, Mental Health|0 Comments

“But they’re family!”: The Normalisation of Sibling Abuse

You would never imagine your sibling throwing something at you, hurling insults at you, or touching you inappropriately. Unfortunately, it has been, and is the truth for some. Sibling abuse, a type of family violence, is defined as siblings exhibiting abusive behaviour towards the other sibling(s) in the family. Despite being one of the most common forms of abuse one [...]

By |2024-03-12T16:31:13+08:00March 12, 2024|General Psychology, Mental Health|0 Comments

Mental Health Awareness Month (Part 2; The importance of self-care + tips)

Image from Self-care is widely overlooked but it is just as important as anything else in our daily routines. If you are ever feeling stressed, sad, or overwhelmed (and seemingly for no reason), it is good to reflect if you have been neglecting your self-care. Before diving into it, it is critical that you understand that self-care is not [...]

By |2022-10-29T20:49:21+08:00October 23, 2022|Mental Health|0 Comments

Mental Health Awareness Month (Part 1; The rise in mental health issues)

Image from Mental illnesses can develop due to many factors like large amounts of stress, dysfunctional relationships, and even poor nutrition (WebMD, 2020). For instance, stress is easily accumulated, and it is often released in unhealthy ways – like revenge procrastination. This phenomenon involves staying up late to make up for the business of the day, leading to sleep [...]

By |2022-10-29T20:47:43+08:00October 9, 2022|Mental Health|0 Comments